Top Digital Marketing Techniques

In today’s wired world, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of digital marketing to the success of your business. Strong, successful companies are carving out virtual space to reply to customers, to make connections with industry leaders, and to inform the story of their brand during a creative, genuine, and visually-engaging way. Digital marketing offers the invaluable opportunity to assess which elements of your strategy are working – or bombing – in real-time. Simple new digital marketing techniques give every company – be it a four-person start-up or a multinational corporation – the prospect to form an impression online.

With that in mind, here are 5 new marketing tools and techniques to help you get started.



1. Content marketing techniques


Content marketing may be a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to draw in and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Content marketing differs from traditional marketing tools in its resistance to overt calls-to-action or purely product- or service-based ads and smart consumers have developed a nose for sussing out quality content from gussied-up advertising. Like a good story, good content is original, dynamic, and shareable. Truly effective content marketing uses an accessible voice to tell genuine stories that gain the trust of the consumer and build a positive reputation for the brand.

Content marketing is also inherently flexible. Consider ways to reframe your story or message to target different consumer groups with whom you may not have an instinctive one-to-one relationship. Once your content is in play, tools like Outbrain Amplify can help you distribute that content to a larger audience. Regardless of how wonderful your content is, it simply won’t be truly effective if it isn’t being widely seen.


2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


There isn’t anything more important to digital marketing than SEO, something which may still mystify you in its ongoing complexity. While it’s true Google’s algorithms can still become confusing, you’ll better grasp how it works once you work more with the concept.

It’s always better to possess an expert to manage SEO for you if you would like to succeed. While you’ll learn some basics, you’ll want someone who’s worked in it a short time to completely assist you to realize the simplest strategies.

One recent strategy involves new HTTPS requirements already impacting SEO results. If you’re wont to using HTTP pages, Google now suggests you modify it to an HTTPS format. The reasoning behind this is often many contact forms using HTTP pages aren’t deemed secure enough.

Now that Google goes to label these “non-secure”, it’s essential to update your website with the HTTPS designation. Otherwise, having a “non-secure” stamp on your site could become a replacement emblem for your placement on search engines. An expert SEO and digital marketing specialist helps you create this alteration.


3. Responsive Web Design


Reaching customers by mobile is more or less the quality now, and that’s getting to continue into the approaching decade. Making your website conform to mobile screens is one of the foremost essential parts of digital marketing. the sole way you’ll make this work successfully is through responsive web design.

With responsive programming, you’ll make your website automatically confirm to all or any mobile screens. this is often getting to mean quite one format, including tablets and increasing use of smartwatches.

While you’ll need to work with an internet designer to form this work, you’ll want an SEO expert for an additional aspect of RWD. AMP (or Accelerated Mobile Pages) may be a new open-source code helping to form mobile sites load faster.

Google gives precedence to websites using this, so take it seriously. It’s especially useful if you’ve got a publishing site or post content to your website daily.


4. Re-targeting


One of the most interesting new marketing techniques, retargeting (or remarketing) tracks customers through cookie placement and continues to show them ads for products they’ve viewed in the past across a network of websites. Since only 2% of traffic converts on a first visit, retargeting is a simple, powerful way to keep your brand and product in the minds of potential customers and requires little effort on the part of the company. As the technology for retargeting improves, flexible brands will stay on top of the trend to find ever more organic ways to raise brand profile.


5. Community building


The common thread in these best new digital marketing techniques is the need for brands to cater to the desire of consumers to be seen as individuals, and not just as a number. Consider the recent viral West Jet campaign that secretly fulfilled fliers Christmas wishes. With this campaign, West Jet managed to give an airline a warm & fuzzy personality (no easy feat) and to demonstrate responsiveness. Brands need to prove a genuine interest in the personalities of their dynamic customer base and to treat communication as a way to build an authentic, like-minded community.

As we grow more digitally-driven, the physical community of neighborhood commerce is giving way to more fluid and larger communities online. Even brick and mortar companies are now global participants. Digital marketing offers a way to move beyond your field and into the world at large.

Follow these five steps, and you’ll be off to an honest start in digital marketing for the remainder of the year. Expect these to remain relatively an equivalent well into 2020 also.

Don’t be afraid to figure with digital marketing consultants (especially in SEO) so you don’t make mistakes after weeks or months of diligence.


Please comment down which one is your favourite.



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